Some codes we developed or were involved in

EZ-InSAR is a toolbox written in MATLAB to conduct Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data processing using the open-source software packages (ISCE+StaMPS/MintPy) within a easy-to-use Graphic-User-Interface (GUI). The toolbox now can generate SAR interferograms using ISCE and conduct displacement time series analysis with either Persistent Scatters (PS) or Small-Baselines (SBAS) approaches using StaMPS or MintPy.

DEM4InSAR is a script for preparing DEM data assisting InSAR processing with the GAMMA or ISCE software. It will download either the NASADEM (SRTM DEM) OR Copernicus DEM (30m resolution) with a given geographic box.

TEC (thermoelastic contraction model) is used for calculating ground surface displacements due to the thermoelastic contraction of intruded magma. The model was developed by Furuya (2005), who gave the analytical quasi-static solution of ground deformation in response to an instantaneous heat source in an elastic half-space. The model can be applied to infer post-eruptive deformation after magma intrusion or lava emplacement.