NAME:Yueling Shi (师悦龄)
- Education
- 2011.09-2015.06 Southwest Jiaotong University, BE
- 2018.10-2020.10 The Ohio State University, Visiting student
- 2015.09-2022.12 Southwest Jiaotong University, PhD
- Thesis title
Thesis title: | Monitoring dynamic evolution and analyzing correlation characteristics of alpine glacier and glacial lake based on SAR interferometry and pixel offset tracking |
中文题目: | 基于SAR干涉和偏移量追踪估计的高山冰川冰湖动态演变监测及其关联特征分析 |
- Current position
Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lecture
兰州交通大学, 讲师
个人主页: https://cdxy.lzjtu.edu.cn/jszy/shiyueling/jsjj.htm